Tualatin’s Winona Grange Hosts Seeds & Bees Fair April 27

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Free vegetable and flower seeds and takeaways to welcome pollinators will highlight an afternoon of free family fun on Saturday, April 27, at Winona Grange in Tualatin, 1-4 pm. The goal is to celebrate the role pollinators like bees, butterflies and hummingbirds play in our lives.

Adults will hear expert speakers discuss the diversity and preferred habitats of pollinators. Kids will create a piece of seed art and listen to enchanting storytellers. All ages will enjoy the free ice cream social!

Participants will leave with seedlings preferred by pollinators and a mason bee house to attract very efficient and non-stinging native bees to home gardens. 4H Beekeeping Club information will be available.

A big attraction is free vegetable, herb and flower seeds. Winona Grange also provides free seeds at Tualatin Library this spring while supplies last. Thanks to donations of “expired” 2023 seed packets from Bi-Mart,  Winona Grange volunteers shipped over 100 boxes around the NW region. Serious gardeners know most seeds don’t know about expiration dates! 

Donations from several organizations help underwrite the costs of this popular spring event: Lee H and Marion B Thompson Foundation, Wilco, Al’s Garden Center, Home Depot/Sherwood and Builders Material Resource.

The Winona Grange 271 has had 129 years of uninterrupted community service, including hundreds of events and thousands of hours of educational activities. In addition, the Grange Hall is rented by dozens of organizations each year.

Winona Grange is located at 8340 SW Seneca in Tualatin. For more information, see our website winonagrange271.org or email info@winonagrange271.org.

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