
Thank you for taking the time to consider advertising in Tigard Life. I encourage you to place an ad in Tigard Life to show your support for Tigard’s voice. Your support is vital and is greatly appreciated.

This is a paper for Tigard, about Tigard, written by the people of Tigard. This paper enjoys interactive participation with our readership. Tigard residents supply a great deal of the editorial copy in Tigard Life.

By targeting local residents and businesses with 100% saturation mailing, I am confident that Tigard Life delivers a readership that will be valuable to you for both the short and long term.

Michael Antonelli



32,000 printed, 31,333 mailed (as of Jan. 1, 2020, and growing all the time) to all single-family homes, apartments, and condos and businesses in Tigard and King City. Additional copies are distributed through the Tigard Library. 


Tigard Life strongly encourages residents to shop locally. We feature advertisers who have locally owned establishments. We’ll put forth the message to support our local businesses with local dollars.

2025 Schedule

In-Home Deadline
Wed., Jan. 8 Fri., Dec. 27
Wed., Feb. 12 Fri., Jan. 31
Wed., March 19 Fri., March 7
Wed., April 23 Fri., April 11
Wed., May 28 Fri., May 16
Wed., July 2 Fri., June 20
Wed., Aug. 6 Fri., July 25
Wed., Sept. 10 Fri., Aug. 29
Wed., Oct. 15 Fri., Oct. 3
Wed., Nov. 19 Fri., Nov. 7
Wed., Dec. 24 Fri., Dec. 12

Ad Rates

All ads include graphics and full color.

Size 1x 3x
Business Spotlight
2.5″ wide x 3.9″ tall
1/8th Page
2.5″ wide x 7.75″ tall -or-
5.1″ x 3.85″
$325 $295
1/4 Page
5.1″ wide x 7.75″ tall
$530 $485
1/2 Page
10.375″ wide x 7.75″ tall
$945 $845
Full Page
10.375″ wide x 15.9″ tall
$1595 $1395
Inserts (insert fee + postage only, printing by quote) $40/m