King City Votes 2024

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King City City Councilor

Vince Arditi

Earlier this year, our community enacted a recall of the mayor and three council members. Controversial efforts to create a road structure west of the power lines (and 137th) while bypassing community engagement culminated in this humiliating event for the city.

Jessica Braverman

Hello, I’m Jessica Braverman, and I’m running for city council because I believe deeply in democracy, where we, as residents, have an interactive representative government that truly reflects the wishes and needs of our community.

Gretchen Buehner

I have dedicated my life to public service. Whether volunteering with my local neighborhood association, on a city or county policy committee, budget committee, a planning commission, city council, or inter-city collaborations…

Steve Gearhart

I bring a fresh new face to city government where my experience in small local governments is an asset, such as Columbia Gorge Fire & Rescue Budget committee member, Port of The Dalles Budget committee member…

Rachel Kazmierski

I’m Rachel Kazmierski, and I am running for City Council with a clear commitment to strong leadership, transparency, and honesty. As a resident of King City for the past nine years, my goal is simple: to listen to and be a genuine voice for the people of King City.

Karl Swanson

I am running because we must have new people for council that will give control back to the citizens. I will help do that. We also have several highly qualified candidates, and that is why I fully support and endorse for City Council…

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