Gabriel Elijio Velásquez

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Why are you running for city councilor, and what do you bring to the table that your opponents do not?

I have been fortunate to call the city of Tigard home for my entire life. I am a product of the area’s Public Schools, from Little Tigers to Tigard High School. As a second-generation immigrant and an active member of Tigard’s commissions, grant review boards and task forces, I have remained a steadfast advocate for tackling the problems that Tigard’s residents encounter. My unwavering dedication and record of prioritizing safety, prosperity, and affordability for all of Tigard make me the ideal candidate for our community. I am running to make Tigard safer, thriving, and more affordable. Currently, I serve as the chair of Tigard’s Town Center Advisory Commission (TCAC). That commission creates recommendations on Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District policy, budget, and implementation to improve Tigard’s two TIF districts; one in Downtown Tigard the other in the Tigard Triangle. During my service as Chair of the TCAC, it became evident that the work to make Tigard the best town in the world is not yet complete. With this new Tigard City Charter, it is imperative that we plan well beyond our time for the future growth of our city. The rapid increase in the cost of living significantly outpacing wage growth, it is unjust to not prioritize substantial housing options for Tigard’s residents. This clear and prevalent need for housing for the next generation of Tigard families is what inspired me to run for one of the newly created Tigard City Council seats.

What is your #1 priority, and what are you proposing we do about it? 

My number one priority is security, specifically the feeling of security that when you send your kid off to walk or bike to school, Tigard’s infrastructure will grant them as many opportunities as possible to make it to and from their destination as safe as possible. It is of the utmost priority for my campaign for Tigard City Council to transform Tigard into one of the safest cities in the nation. Safety is a consistent concern for my neighbors, friends, family, and I. If elected, I will collaborate with the Safe Streets Task Force to reduce and eliminate severe traffic accidents and traffic fatalities by protecting our multimodal transportation system so everyone can feel completely safe when they’re in Tigard. However, I believe that security doesn’t stop at just Tigard being safe, but thriving too. We are well on our way to accomplishing this goal as we are already way ahead of the curve for both businesses and housing opportunities we provide compared to other suburban towns. I am an advocate of expanding our business development grants to accommodate the needs of starting businesses within Tigard, as well as creating a second grant option for existing businesses to encourage their continued business within Tigard and to bolster green energy initiatives. I am also eager to pursue multiple opportunities with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and businesses to advance the mission of ensuring all of our residents are offered equal housing opportunities.

For additional information on Mr. Velásquez’s campaign, you can visit,,, or

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