Mayor’s Corner August 2024

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Summer is a busy time in Tigard. In addition to the community events, camps, block parties, and bike rides, summer is construction season. In a region like ours, weather has an outsized voice on when we can do infrastructure maintenance, especially for transportation where paving requires dry days. Now that we are partway through summer, I wanted to share the progress we’ve made on our transportation infrastructure to date. I hope that as you travel in Tigard, you enjoy the results of these investments throughout our community aimed at enhancing the safety, accessibility, and livability of our city.

Both Highway 99W and Scholls Ferry Road, within and along Tigard, are seeing the end of important paving work performed by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and other agency partners. These corridors serve as key arteries for our city and for our neighbors, connecting our people, businesses, and community assets. These projects have involved extensive resurfacing, ensuring a smoother, safer drive for everyone who travels these roadways. I’m pleased to report that the essential work is almost done on both, providing needed improvements to some of our most traveled roads.

In addition to these projects, ODOT is working to improve Highway 217 and replace the Hall Boulevard Bridge that spans this corridor. I know it’s been hard getting around with this key connection bridge down – the new design will not only enhance structural integrity but also improve pedestrian access. As part of our commitment to modernizing our infrastructure, this project will ensure that our bridge meets the demands of today’s traffic while providing a safe passage for pedestrians and cyclists.

Speaking of Hall Boulevard, which is the road I hear about most often from our community, it’s being considered by a state committee to receive resources to improve this corridor where it runs through Tigard. It will also transfer the ownership from the state to the city, so that we can work to deliver on the community’s vision for this facility. We expect to learn in September whether Tigard’s application for transfer of this roadway is accepted. To learn more about the visioning of this corridor, as informed through our community engagement process, please visit We look forward to the future with a Hall for All.  

You may have noticed the slurry seal work and other road repairs taking place throughout our city this summer. Slurry seal helps preserve and extend the life of our roads and is a smart investment. These efforts are essential to maintaining our roads and ensuring our pavement condition index—among the highest in the region—remains strong. Summer is the only time this work can be done because of how the material must be applied and cured. We have a short season for pavement maintenance, and it pays dividends by protecting our city’s investment in roads and allowing a smooth ride year-round.

As we prepare for the return of students to our schools, we are particularly focused on investments that prioritize the safety of our kids. Initiatives like Complete Streets, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School are not just programs; they represent our commitment to ensuring that every child can travel safely to and from school. Complete Streets initiatives are designed to create roadways that are safe and accessible for all users, whether they’re in a car, on a bike, on foot, or using a mobility aid. Our Safe Routes to School programs are vital in providing safe pathways, bike safety education, and encouraging families to choose walking or biking as a healthy, safe alternative for their daily commutes.

The work we are doing is about more than just paving roads; it’s about investing in our future. I am proud of the progress we’ve made, and I want to thank you, the residents of our city, for your patience and support as we continue to enhance our transportation system. 

As summer is about to wind down and we start to think about school supplies and first days, I want to remind us of the importance of safety when our kids head back to school. Even with these road and safety improvements, it’s critical we slow down and keep our focus to ensure kids can get to school and back home safely.

Together, we are building a safer, more connected community for everyone. You can always reach me at 971-435-0964 or, or you can connect to the whole City Council at

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