Opinion: King City must start honoring its public pronouncements and commitments  

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I was shocked to learn at last month’s King City Council meeting that despite repeatedly and publicly stating that King City would not use eminent domain and involve only willing sellers to acquire property for the Kingston Terrace and the Transportation System Plan, this is not necessarily so.

It was revealed that the city can/will threaten the use of eminent domain to force the Columbia Land Trust (and others?) to become a “willing seller” to avoid litigation they have little hope of winning. This would then allow a road to be built through the conservation easement commonly known as the Bankston Property. This proposed road alternative is opposed by the majority of the community and was a major reason for the recent successful recall.

To repeatedly tell the public that King City will not use eminent domain, but then quietly use the threat of eminent domain to acquire property is dishonorable, deceitful and deceptive.

It is no wonder that many citizens don’t trust the government and feel it no longer represents their interests. If King City is to restore faith in city government and reunite the city, we must start by honoring our public pronouncements and commitments.  

Not using eminent domain means not using eminent domain. No loopholes; no exceptions.

Thank you,

Randall Olsen

(Editor’s note: Randall Olsen was recently appointed to the King City City Council)

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