Steve Gearhart

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Why are you running for city councilor, and what do you bring to the table that your opponents do not?

I bring a fresh new face to city government where my experience in small local governments is an asset, such as Columbia Gorge Fire & Rescue Budget committee member, Port of The Dalles Budget committee member, past board member of The Dalles area Chamber of Commerce and current King City Budget committee member. I have a strong commitment to government being run by the people, for the people. Too often, we are subjected to career politicians who do not represent King City’s best interests. My job as a member of City Council is to seek out the people’s opinions. I do this by walking the streets, going door to door, and finding out your opinion. Just this morning, on the news, a career politician was asked what his opinion was on an issue! Not important! What is important is the peoples opinion.

What is your #1 priority, and what are you proposing we do about it? 

My number one priority is to listen to the people. God gave us one mouth and two ears for a reason. We need to listen more than we talk; it’s just that simple. City Council is not a platform for windbags to voice their opinions without listening to the people’s opinions, as in past councils. 

To do this, I will increase the current paltry three minutes of speaking time we, the people, have before city council to however long it takes for people to make their point. Additionally, the TSP needs a re-look. Why? Because the past city council failed miserably to listen to the people. 

I have spent many hours walking the streets and listening to the people and they are upset with the direction of our King City expansion. A large majority of people do not reject expansion; what they do reject is the way this expansion is proceeding… through the Bankston Nature Preserve! Seriously? 

There also needs to be serious discussions regarding how traffic speed can be reduced through King City and Edgewater.

One more thing. I have attended many city council meetings over the past two years, and I am dismayed by how little input we see from some council members. They just sit there! With zero input! Speak up or let someone else speak for you! 

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