Tag: Laura Amiton
Make sure 4th-of-Julys go safely and smoothly
Pets go missing on the 4th of July more than any other day in the year. And it’s no wonder! To increase safety, and...
Pet Talk: My Cat Won’t Eat! Feeding a picky eater
It’s official; it’s the time of year that we are officially in “kitten season”! Although cats can have litters any time of year, most...
Vaccines and Immunity in Pets: Part 1/Part 2
Part 1:
I’d like to take this perfect opportunity in our current state of Coronavirus vaccination in humans to discuss vaccinations and immunity in cats...
Can CBD Help My Pet?
By now, you have probably heard about CBD and it’s use with pets, but may wonder what it is and how it can help.
Pet Talk: September 2020
Picky eaters. We hear it all the time. Worried, exacerbated, frustrated pet owners, wondering what next to try with their pets. Apprehensive that yet...