Tigard High School 40th Reunion

tigard high school, tigard high school reunion
Photo courtesy JWL Collection.
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1979 was a mighty fine year! KGON and KISN ruled the airwaves. Disco sucked (or did it?)  Washington Square was new had Farrells! We hung at Maury’s Record Rack, had Family Drive-In and the Joy for movies, Hoki’s and Pizza Caboose for pizza, and Dunkin Donuts for late-night coffee.

Forty years is a long time. The sad reality is that over that span we have lost many of US; our friends and classmates, and it is heartbreaking. Each reunion we are a few less. If you know of a classmate that has passed since our 30th, please contact our committee.

We are having a weekend of different activities and would love the community to help in making this the best weekend for all. People will be coming who haven’t been ‘home’ in a long time, so now is the time to show off the cool stuff in Tigard! We probably all still have our cedar boxes from McClungs we were gifted at graduation.  Anything your business would like to share with the THS alumni? We would love help to fill a huge gift basket with local certificates and items to raffle off if you would like to donate, send us a message here: facebook.com/THSclassof1979.

Friday, September 20 we will be having a Multi-Class (Classes 77-81) Reception at the Grand Hotel in Bridgeport. We would really love to see everyone at this mingle, especially all of our old teachers. We will have current Tigard High students providing music, and a few other things. Tickets are $10, can be purchased online or by check, or cash at the door as well. Friday info here: facebook.com/events/828029527567030.

Saturday, September 21, we will be having an event at Saint Irene’s in Tualatin for just the Class of 1979 and their companions. We will have live music, heavy appetizers, wine and lots of fun times! Even if you didn’t end up walking the stage with us for whatever reason if you were part of our class at any point during high school, we still claim you and want you to join us! Check your worries at the door and reconnect. Tickets are $65 and can be purchased online or by check in advance. Saturday info here: facebook.com/events/298999114334439.

REGISTER FOR ONE OR BOTH EVENTS AT THIS LINK bit.ly/2Z6FkwJ and then follow the instructions for payment after you click on the “submit” button.

Finding people after 40 years has been a challenge. If you have a sibling or friend that was in our class or 77-81 for the Friday event, please share this information with them, or direct them to the Alumni tab on the THS webpage tinyurl.com/ths1979reunion.

Thank you!

Your 40th Reunion Organizing Committee

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