King City Senior Village veterans each receive their own Quilt of Valor

Deana McIntyre, King City Senior Village activity director, escorts Paul Muller back to his seat after he received a Quilt of Valor. Barbara Sherman/Tigard Life
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Patriotism was on full display at King City Senior Village on Flag Day, June 14, when all the residents and guests enjoyed the presentation of the colors by Patriot Guard Riders, ate an al fresco lunch, listened to talented singer of “oldies-but-goodies” Chris Anderson, and applauded the presentation of Quilts of Valor to 15 veterans.

Senior Village has held this heart-warming event before, but it never ceases to inspire patriotism in all the attendees. Chris Dunn again led the presentation by saying, “This is exciting, especially with the Patriot Guard Riders presenting a medallion to each veteran. I want to offer a big thank you to the Senior Village staff.”

Dunn introduced the other Quilts of Valor volunteers who had worked on the quilts and were there to assist in the presentation of the quilts.

Catherine Roberts founded the Quilts of Valor Foundation in 2003, coming up with a plan for a team of volunteers to donate time, talent and materials to make a quilt called a Quilt of Valor.

“This is a small grassroots organization that helps people heal from their war experiences and those who support them,” Dunn said. She added that more than 393,000 Quilts of Valor have been presented since the foundation was started.

“This is a pretty darn special day,” Dunn added. “It takes a lot of folks to support those in the service. Our group meets once a month in Beaverton and share a potluck. We are honored to do this. Today we are presenting 15 quilts. On all the quilts is a special label with your name, branch of service and the time frame that you served.”

Finally, Dunn offered some advice: “These quilts are to be used. Don’t hang them on the wall.” 

Receiving quilts were: Arnold J. Wilke, Navy/Marines 1967-1969; Cecil Peloquin, Army 1959-1964; Steve Brod, Air Force 1962-1966; Bob Dawes, Navy 1948-1949, Air Force 1950-1954; Paul Muller, Navy 1954-1958/Korean War; Jack Vogel, Army 1959-1961; Ron Alexander, Air Force 1959-1962; Hal Carey, Air Force 1956-1960; Jim Warren, Air Force 1961-1962; Tom Folsom, Marines 1955-1957; Jerry Larsen, Navy 1956-1967; Don Miller, Army 1952-1953; Jerry Wick, Army 1955-1956; Donnie R. Clark, Army 1955-1956; and Jerry Brickey, Navy 1967-1969.

After the quilts had been carefully wrapped around the back of each veteran, Dunn said, “I want to thank all the veterans who received quilts and want to thank all the veterans here. Freedom isn’t free.”

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