Emergency Preparedness: ShakeAlert

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    As of March 11, 2021, the US Geologic Survey ShakeAlert early warning system is available in Oregon. It does not predict earthquakes but detects them quickly and sends a real-time alert to mobile phones to give you a brief warning of an earthquake in your location.

    Use those few seconds of warning to take action: 

    • Drop where you are onto your hands and knees 
    • Cover your head and neck for protection like under a sturdy table 
    • Hold on until shaking stops 

    ShakeAlert alerts are sent through the Wireless Emergency Alert infrastructure using your phone’s location information when connected to a wireless tower.

    You won’t get a ShakeAlert message unless your current location is expected to feel an intensity of weak or light shaking (or greater) for earthquakes of a magnitude 4.5 or greater. This intensity of earthquake means that it would be felt by multiple people who may notice a rattling or vibration – something like the passing of a large truck. You might also see hanging objects in your home swing.

    There is no sign up process to receive ShakeAlert alerts, similar to Amber alerts.

    More information about ShakeAlert, and how to verify that your phone will receive those alerts, is available online at ORShakeAlert.US.

    Month 6 Preparedness List 

    Items to Purchase 

    • Water purification (e.g. tablets, filters or bleach) 
    • Heavy-duty garbage bags 
    • Waterproof container for vital documents

    Things To Do 

    • Put shoes and a flashlight under your bed so they are available on-hand during an emergency.

    Tigard CERT Inc. is a local non-profit organization allied with the City of Tigard that trains volunteers in basic emergency response and organizational skills following the Federal Emergency Management Agency model and guidelines for local Community Emergency Response Teams. Members complete a 27-hour, FEMA curriculum before becoming certified.

    Tigard CERT volunteers provide support during emergencies when our community’s professional emergency services teams may be overwhelmed by the situation. Tigard CERT also provides staff and support for community events such as the Tigard Balloon Festival, the City of Tigard Public Works Day, the Community Preparedness Fair, and other events. For more information about Tigard CERT, please visit our website at tigardcert.wordpress.com.

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