Last month, all 8th graders from Fowler Middle School and Hazelbrook Middle School spent a day learning about the great variety of career opportunities in their own community. The events are part of the #WorkReady program, a partnership between the Tigard-Tualatin School District and the Tualatin and Tigard Chambers of Commerce, whose mission is to ensure that all students have the chance to explore a variety of career options, allowing for informed decisions about their best next steps after high school. The 8th Grade Career Day aims to excite students and spark their imagination about future possibilities.
At Fowler Middle School, students participated in an in-house career fair and then traveled to a site visit of their choice. Hazelbrook Middle School put all 300 8th graders onto buses, each group visiting three different sites.
The #WorkReady team is grateful for the enthusiastic support of 24 community partners who engaged with nearly 600 students. To participate in future #WorkReady events, please contact your chamber of commerce.

2023 Partners:
- Broadway Rose Theater Company
- Chelsey Hughes, Intel HR
- City of Tigard
- City of Tualatin
- Eric Dunlap, Portland Loan Team
- Heidi Leub, Mayor of Tigard
- Integrated Metal Components
- Kaiser-Permanente
- Kanae Nishi, Behavioral Health Division, Clack. Co.
- Kennitha Wade, Electrician
- Nike
- Nortek Air Solutions
- Oregon Primate Center
- Pacific Metal Company
- Perlo Construction
- Pride Disposal
- Reser Fine Foods
- Ryan Dawkins, Dutch Bros.
- Tualatin Auto Body
- Tigard Police Department
- Tigard-Tualatin School District IT Dept.
- Tualatin Police Department
- Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
- UA Local 290 – Plumbers and Steamfitters