Just 2 ½ months after the Tigard Senior Center reopened following a long closure, it welcomed a very special guest on Jan. 25: Rep. Andrea Salinas, who represents Oregon’s Sixth District in the U.S. Congress and was hosting a senior resources fair.
A wide range of vendors was waiting at tables in the center’s lower level ready to talk to seniors about their services following a talk by Salinas in the dining room. The center’s program manager, Nicole Hubbard, kicked off the event by introducing Salinas, who welcomed everyone to the event.
“After a lifetime of hard work, our older Americans deserve to live out their golden years with dignity and grace,” Salinas said. “But in reality, the systems we have in place right now are just not up to the task. And with the rising cost of gas, groceries (and) housing, we must do more to make life better for our aging neighbors and those on fixed incomes. That is why I am fighting to protect and expand critical programs like Social Security and Medicare…
“I hear constantly about the need for better quality access to health care. This is a particular concern for those covered by Medicare. It is unthinkable that Medicare would exclude benefits for the ‘neck-up’ needs – vision, dental, hearing and mental/behavioral healthcare.”
Salinas told a story about helping one of her constituents get her VA benefits restarted and added, “If you ever have trouble with federal agencies like the VA, HHS, or Social Security Administration, please do not hesitate to give my office a call. Helping you navigate these agencies is one of the most important parts of my job, and it’s exactly why we’re hosting this fair today.”
Downstairs, there were about 15 vendors representing various senior-related services, plus there were staff from several City of Tigard departments along with Mayor Heidi Lueb and interim Police Chief Jamey McDonald. Vendors included both the Oregon and U.S. Departments of Veterans Affairs; Oregon Department of Human Services; Washington County Disability, Aging and Veterans Services; and the Juanita Pohl and Marjorie Stewart senior centers.
One couple perusing the booths was Roy Nifoussi and Mindy Grover, who heard about the senior fair at AARP, where they volunteer. “We came to see what is available,” Nifoussi said. “There is a lot of good information here.”
To contact Salinas or her staff, visit her website at salinas.house.gov, where there is an email link and phone numbers for her Tualatin office (503-385-0906) and Washington, D.C., office (202) 225-5643).