David “Jerry” Hahn – Tigard City Council Candidate

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David “Jerry” Hahn

Why are you running for city councilor, what do you bring to the table that your opponents do not?

Hello Tigard,

My name is David “Jerry” Hahn and I am a candidate for a seat on the Tigard City Council. This is my first time running for an elected political position and as such I have oft been asked why I chose to do so. As I reflect on the answer I keep coming back to the idea of service, and wanting to be part of something bigger and more important in the community. I grew up in Tigard, and though my family moved during my teen years I have lived in my current residence for the past 25 years. During that time I have seen the improvements, as well as the challenges, that face the city going forward and feel I can provide a long-term perspective on the issues.

What is the #1 issue facing Tigard and what do you propose we do about it?

The answer to the query as to what I bring to the table that my opponents do not is many fold. For the past thirty years I have been a high school teacher and coach. I teach government, economics, history, and particularly Advanced Placement Comparative Government and Politics. I am well-versed in how government systems work. I have also lived in three countries other than the US and seen how issues can be approached and resolved from a myriad of directions. I am an adept problem solver. I am a life-long learner who is willing and eager to take on challenges. As a Fulbright Scholar I have experienced the rigor of analyzing and evaluating difficult tasks. Lastly, I am a veteran of the US Army (military intelligence, cryptanalytic specialist, and multi-linguist). Combined, I hope that will bring the voters to see that I have quite a distinct and varied professional background that would serve the city well. Thank you for your consideration.

David “Jerry” Hahn

Facebook: www.facebook.com/jerry.hahn.14

Twitter: @JerryHahnPDX

Email: jhahn60@yahoo.com

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