OPINION: Vote YES on the Recall

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The King City City Council has approved a regional collector road through wetlands and habitat, which is currently protected by a Conservation Easement (held by Columbia Land Trust). There has been a lot of nonsense about what to call this protected area. The ‘name’ is not relevant. The protection that it provides the Tualatin River and wildlife is.

Many environmental groups have submitted statements to King City, including the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Manager, Tualatin Riverkeepers, 1000 Friends of Oregon, and Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex. They urge the City Council to choose a different route to avoid damaging the Tualatin River watershed and wildlife habitat. The Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, which is currently restoring the Bankston Nature Preserve, describes the importance of this property, “Their property’s position along the river is adjacent to 1,500 acres of separate conservation areas. This location makes their land a vital, connective piece of natural space in a rapidly urbanizing landscape.”

Not only has the City Council decided to put a road through this sensitive area, King City would have to use its eminent domain power to take a portion of the land and the conservation easement. After being told many times that condemnation would not be used, they have decided to plan a road that can ONLY be built if condemnation is used.

We need a City Council that will protect the river and wildlife habitat. Vote YES on the Recall.

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