Keeping Your Home Looking Young

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Aging is not something we have a choice in, it occurs every day.  The same goes for the home we live in and as we brush our teeth every day, there are daily tasks we can perform to help stay on top of our aging home.  

One of the simplest steps in keeping a home in good condition is keeping it clean and organized. A five-star general stated that the first task he did every day was to make his bed. And not to sound like a mother or mother-in-law as I am neither, but it makes a difference in the home as it helps the household stay in better condition.  

 Have free time? Try cleaning the baseboards. These tend to collect dust and grime and can make your house feel young if done even twice a year. Have you taken a good look at your cabinets? Are there hand marks or cooking debris? When we use something every day, it’s easy for our eyes to overlook and yet, they are there. Just a few minutes of wiping down cabinetry surfaces with lemon oil 3x a year will make them sparkle!

An additional recommendation is to attack the closets in the home and make sure they are neatly arranged. Why? Because once done it is easier to keep this way and it will overflow into keeping other areas of your home organized too. There are many basket styles to keep bed linens piled neatly and creative separators to keep undergarments easy to access. This works for the pantry too.  It becomes fun and a creative outlet.

Why do these steps make a difference?
Because when it is time to sell your home, in two or twenty years, having taken care of your house now will make it so much easier on you later. People often say I will get to ‘it’ and yet the task is never performed. Maintaining a home is easy when it is done in small and consistent ways. Make the aging process easy on yourself and your home by performing a little tender loving care every day.

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