caring closet, Summerfield, TTSD

Summerfield Women’s Golf presents $7,000 Check to Caring Closet

Low-income students in the Tigard-Tualatin School District were the winners again this year when the Summerfield Women’s Golf Club made the Caring Closet the beneficiary of its annual charity fundraiser. The Caring Closet was started...
medicare health plan

Medicare Health Plans: It’s Worthwhile to Review Your Coverage

Each year, Medicare’s annual election period (AEP) is from October 15 to December 7.  During AEP it’s a great time to review and compare your Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans because the insurance...
Passport to Parenting, parenting, ages

Understanding Ages and Stages

Helping You Navigate Your Journey Through Parenting What’s the first thing many women do when they find out they’re pregnant? They run out and buy the book, What To Expect When You’re Expecting by Murkoff, Eisenberg...
planet fitness tigard

Planet Fitness to occupy long-vacant Albertson’s building

Store opening slated for January 2nd The denizens of Tigard may just become more fit next year, thanks to Planet Fitness opening a new club Jan. 2. Curious about what makes the workout clubs different from...
art, art studio, Hirshmann

Tigard Artist One of 50 to Open Private Studios to Public

After creating ceramics and jewelry plus painting with acrylic for most of her life, four years ago Tigard artist Theresa Hirschmann honed in on the medium “that I connect with far and above the...
Tigard High School bus

Dear Tigard High School Class of 1979

By the time you read this, you will have experienced your 40th reunion event.  I hope that it was a major success. Depending on how many previous reunions your class had held, your reactions will...
tigard animal hospital, arthritis

Sammi the Clinic Cat Provides Arthritis Advice

Dear Diary, Day #7 of rain and impending winter gloom. The cool mornings have begun, oh how I miss basking in the warmth of the Sun’s rays. As a senior, ahem, I mean “mature” gal,...
pets, pet help

The Most Common Pet Questions We Hear – Part 2

Note: the first part of this article appeared in the September edition of Tigard Life. You can find the full article at 5). I’m looking for (pick one) a veterinarian, groomer, dog daycare, dog...

Historic Durham School Turns 99

A white wooden building framed by bright red doors and exposed rafters turns 99 years old this year. The historic Durham School building sits off Durham Road and is now home to Creekside Community...
fire rescue tigard, metro fire camp

Strong Women Wanted: Fire & Rescue

In a male-dominated field, strong female firefighters are actively bringing up the next generation of female firefighters. Portland Fire and Rescue started a camp for young ladies, ages sixteen to twenty, five years ago....