Heidi Lueb


Tigard City Council President Heidi Lueb, who’s entered the November Mayor’s race, plans to continue her work on Council, pushing for increased public safety and decreased carbon emissions.

“I love being a member of the Tigard community, and it has been my supreme honor to connect Tigard residents and business owners to the resources and solutions they need to thrive,” Lueb said in a written announcement. “I truly believe that when one of us succeeds, we all succeed.”                                   

Lueb, appointed to City Council in 2019 and then elected in 2020, has served as Council President since January of 2021, garnering a list of campaign endorsements along the way.

“As a former Mayor of Tigard, I know what it takes to lead this city,” former Mayor John Cook said. “Her passion for community members, along with her business acumen, will allow her to lead Tigard through what’s ahead. Heidi has worked hard as a councilor and is going to be an effective Mayor. I’m excited to endorse her for Tigard Mayor.”         

Joining Cook in Lueb’s corner are Tigard Mayor Jason Snider, City Councilor Liz Newton, State Senators Rob Wagner and Akasha Lawrence-Spence, Representatives Dacia Grayber and Courtney Neron, former Representative Margaret Doherty as well as the Tigard Chamber of Commerce, IAFF Local 1660 and many others.                   

She cites her recent work on Tigard’s COVID-19 pandemic response, passing a public safety levy, and making Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work a city priority among her leadership successes.

Lueb works as Head of Finance at Thesis, a Certified B Corp digital agency, and as a triathlon coach.

She lives with her husband Brian, their daughter Elizabeth, and their dogs in Tigard, where she loves cultivating her backyard garden, chasing Elizabeth around various parks, and taking family walks.

For more information, visit www.heidilueb.com.

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