Nick Hess


Local businessman Nick Hess announced his bid for Tigard Mayor, joining City Councilors Heidi Lube and John Goodhouse in the November race.

“Tigard is my home. For the past 12 years, I have raised my family here. My son attends school here. And in Tigard, I have started three thriving businesses,” Hess said in a press release announcing his candidacy.

Hess, who runs SureTec IT, SureTel and Cookin’ Class, is fresh from an unsuccessful run for Oregon governor in which he tried to secure the Republican nomination.

He cites a need for a change in leadership and departure from the status quo at all levels of government as spurring him into action.

“Tigard’s city council has let us down,” his statement reads. “They have failed the first rule of leadership, which is: to do the most good for the greatest number of people. They have foregone the needs of the Tigard residents they represent in order to push their own agendas and maintain the status quo.” 

Hess is focused on creating a safe, clean, and thriving community in Tigard.

His website calls for the expansion of police mental health resources, more personnel to combat property crimes, creating more middle-income housing, and leveraging technology to provide a bigger window into the workings of the Mayor’s office.

“There is a different way to solve the homeless crisis,” he said. “There is a different way to keep our streets safe. There is a different way to make sure that everyone thrives in our community. But first, we must come together and believe that change is possible.”

You can learn more about Nick Hess and his campaign at or email

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