Mayor’s Corner: January 2023

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Hello Tigard! I’m Heidi Lueb, and I’m your new Mayor. It’s my honor to have been elected to serve you not only as Mayor, but as the first female Mayor of Tigard. 

Our new City Council was seated in early January, and we believe it’s the most diverse Council in Tigard’s history. We have three new Councilors who are serving, and they have experience in Tigard’s Boards and Commissions or serving on other local government boards. I believe the wide diversity of backgrounds and experiences will allow the Council to have thoughtful conversations on how Tigard moves forward. I’m proud to serve alongside a group of people who are more reflective of the community around us. 

I was able to speak with many of you on the campaign trail. We talked about your concerns regarding our houseless community and community safety, as well as affordable housing, transportation, our economy, and the effects of climate change. These are all areas of focus we will continue to work on in partnership with other local government agencies, our State and Federal leaders, and our non-profit and private partnerships. 

Later this month, your City Council is meeting to work together on the Council Goals that will serve Tigard over the next two years. These goals help set areas of focus for our City staff teammates. I look forward to sharing these goals with you when they are finalized. I will also keep you up to date with what we’re working on.

I promise to serve with integrity, thoughtfulness, transparency, and with our community in mind. In my oath, I swore to uphold and support the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and the State of Oregon, and the Charter and ordinances of the City of Tigard. I love Tigard, and I’m honored to keep working towards having Tigard become an equitable community that is walkable, healthy, and accessible for everyone.

I want to hear from you. You can reach me at 971-435-0964 or, or you can connect to the whole City Council at I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope to see you out in our community!

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