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Tag: Mayor’s Corner

Mayor’s Corner: July 2023

July marks the middle of the calendar year and the unofficial start of summer here in Tigard. It’s also the beginning of the City...

Mayor’s Corner: May 2023

In last month’s Mayor’s Corner, I shared with you the City Council’s goals and priorities for the next two years: reduce houselessness, improve climate,...

Mayor’s Corner April 2023

Centering community members has been my focus since starting my term as Mayor. It’s been critical to understanding where we want our priorities for...

Mayor’s Corner: February/March 2023

A Hall For All. This is the simple and important message that we’re delivering to federal and state legislators.  Hall Boulevard in Tigard is not...

Mayor’s Corner: January 2023

Hello Tigard! I’m Heidi Lueb, and I’m your new Mayor. It’s my honor to have been elected to serve you not only as Mayor,...

Mayor’s Corner: October 2022

Steve Street At my monthly Fireside Chats, I am frequently asked about the development of the Steve Street property. Community members want to know: When...

Mayor’s Corner: September 2022

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month In the last two years, we have expanded our celebrations to reflect our commitment to being a welcoming and inclusive community...

Mayor’s Corner: August 2022

The murder of George Floyd, in 2020, led cities across the country to examine their public safety practices. In Tigard, we empowered the community...

Mayor’s Corner: July 2022

July 1st marks the beginning of a new fiscal year for the City of Tigard. Our city leadership has worked thoughtfully and cooperatively over...

Mayor’s Corner: June 2022

Festival of Balloons Last September, we began celebrating the City of Tigard’s 60th anniversary. Since then, people who live in Tigard and elsewhere have been...
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