Exciting New Art Works for February and March

Silver Wire Frog Kim Ghaemmaghami.
Silver Wire Frog Kim Ghaemmaghami.
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Side By Side, Liz Walker
Side By Side, Liz Walker

Tigard’s new art gallery at Calvin Presbyterian Church proudly presents Liz Walker, our solo wall artist for February and March and also with 3-D artists Peter Irving, ceramic and Kim Ghaemmaghami, wire sculpture and mosaic from repurposed items.

painted Guitar, Liz Walker
painted Guitar, Liz Walker

Liz’s show is entitled Visual Stories: The Patterned Paintings of Liz Walker “Every picture tells a story” as the saying goes and Liz Walker’s paintings are evidence of that. Her experimental approach to painting from her imagination, rather than from photographs, invites the viewer to speculate on the story and relationships of the subjects in her work. Although Liz began as a traditional watercolor painter in the early 90’s workshops in acrylic marbling and collage opened up a new avenue of expression for her as she learned to communicate the “story” within her figurative work.

This journey has lead Liz towards national recognition with multiple awards and connections.

Ceramic Tea Pot, Peter Irving.
Ceramic Tea Pot, Peter Irving.

Peter Irving has been working in ceramics for over 50 years. His first instructor taught with an Asian influence from glazes to surface design to form that is still reflected in his work today. He works exclusively in high fire stoneware with most of his work being utilitarian in nature. He says he continues to explore different techniques as the opportunity to learn more is without end.

Kim Ghaemmaghami is currently working in sculpture, mosaic and three dimensional collage. Her concern for the environment and obsession with recycling led her to the medium she currently works in. The majority of the materials she works with are repurposed. As a younger artist she says she attempted to constrain her work to fit into a category but has learned to allow the ambiguity in order to free her artistic expression.

The Gallery is located at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 10445 SW Canterbury Lane, Tigard, Oregon. www.calvinpresbyterian.org

Calvin Art Gallery
Now through March 30, 2019
Tuesday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Where: Calvin Presbyterian Church
10445 SW Canterbury Lane, Tigard

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