It Pays to Join a Committee When Living in a Community with a HomeOwners Association

    Summerfield. (TIGARD LIFE/FILE)
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    In active 55+ communities like Summerfield, King City and Highlands, committees serve important roles to the association process and the Board of Directors.

    • Committees serve as a training ground for future association leaders.
    • Committees serve as a conduit through which the Board receives “grass root” input – opinions and attitudes of owners.
    • Committees are a vehicle through which Board actions are explained.
    • Committees enhance the effectiveness of the Board of Directors by providing research analysis and advice needed for policy decisions.
    • Committees can be an instrument for the initial implementation of Board policies, such as with the Architectural Review Committee.
    • Committees are an important linkage between the Board of Directors and owners, but to be effective, committees need members! Owner input, involvement and participation is a must.

    When living in a community with an HOA, consider participating in the association process and volunteering to serve on an association committee. Your community needs and wants you!

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