New Year…New Home?

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    This past year was a strong year for real estate, even amidst global and local challenges. If you are considering downsizing, re-sizing or up-sizing, it is a beneficial time for sellers. This was the first time seeing as low an inventory as one month, which means that if not one more home were added to the market, it would only take one month to sell those homes.  

    In taking advantage of this selling time, preparation is as important for a home seller as it is for an athlete or an actor readying for a role. With COVID causing us to be home, there is definitely an opportunity to begin.  

    If you are thinking of selling in the springtime, now is when you want to begin. The reason is that most often, we do not realize all that we have collected over the years and mucking through those items and determining which are those treasures to keep and those we are ready to let go can take time. Additionally, as we remove items in our homes, it can often expose areas of deferred maintenance such as painting, deep cleaning, floor repair, etc. With being in the middle of winter, the curbside appeal may have lost its charm. A key aspect of home sale preparation is making sure when buyers drive by, they say ‘awwww’ or ‘wow.’ Given that many are working from home, remodeling and updating have caused contractors to be very busy and therefore planning is needed when scheduling vendors.

    When considering if 2021 is the right time to sell, remember these points: low inventory means an excellent time to sell, preparation adds value and if buying a home after sale, having a sold home makes your offer stronger. This new year is an excellent time to sell and move into your next home, condo or 55+ community.  

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