Tom Anderson


Tom Anderson wants to bring his know-how back to City Council in the coming term to focus on public safety issues and to provide continuity to the body in a time of heavy turnover.

“The incoming Council needs experience. There will be a new Mayor and three new Councilors,” Anderson said in a written statement announcing his candidacy. “There is a learning curve for new councilors that I won’t have to go through.”

Anderson served a full council term beginning in 2017 before stepping away to instead pursue a seat as Metro District 3 Councilor in the 2020 election. 

“I lost a close race for that seat and was unable to represent Tigard as I wanted,” he said. “The opportunity to serve on the Council again has me excited to continue the vision of Tigard set by past councils and this new one.”

Finding a new home for Tigard police is his top priority in a campaign centered on public safety, smart land-use planning, economic development, affordable housing and homelessness. 

“The current (police headquarters) that we use is extremely outdated and just plain inadequate for our officers and staff. There may be some efficiency by combining with City Hall, but that must be decided, and funding identified,” he said.

He credits the city with doing a good job adding new affordable housing in recent years and sees Tigard’s challenge as keeping prices regulated by extending that pricing protection on units with certifications that are nearing expiration, allowing them to rent at market rates.

In addition to his previous City Council term, Anderson spent seven years on the Tigard Planning Commission as a voting member and President, and belongs to Tigard Chamber of Commerce, Tigard Rotary and Tigard Downtown Alliance.

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