Tigard Business Spotlight: Trevor Family Dental

Dr. Amy Trevor
Dr. Amy Trevor
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Locally owned since 2020

For Trevor Family Dental’s namesake Dr. Amy Trevor, building community is right up there with keeping teeth clean and healthy.

“I’m a small community-oriented family practice,” she said. “I like the fact that I’ve lived here for almost 15 years, and now I’m finally able to practice in the community.

Trevor and her family – a husband and two young boys – live a quick 6 minutes from her office in a “fixer-upper” they bought while she was still in dental school and continue to renovate.

Dentistry first caught Trevor’s attention in high school during a job shadowing event. She took that love to the Oregon Institute of Technology, where she ran track, then graduated with honors from Oregon Health and Science University, where she researched pediatric dentistry and orthodontics.

The way form meets function continues to captivate her.

“I particularly enjoy the restorative aspects, things like fillings, crowns, the cosmetic fun things that make people feel good about their smile,” she said. “I’m kind of artsy. Sometimes I tell my family, ‘I’m building little sculptures in your mouth that need to be shaped like a tooth so you can use it still, but it looks nice too.’”

She bought the business in 2020 from a retiring dentist whose patients were mostly adults, and, like her house, Trevor is in the process of transforming her practice to span all ages.

Trevor had been commuting to a Hunsaker Dental office in Salem with a somewhere down-the-line vision of building a family practice in her home community when pandemic shutdowns created unexpected free time and expedited the dream.

“I started looking while I wasn’t working and came across this practice (for sale),” she said. “I thought ‘this is a really a great fit, the location is right, (the retiring dentist) is awesome, We have similar philosophies on how we think dentistry should be.”

That philosophy?

“Working with the patient to find the treatment that best fits their needs and goals.”

She’s now cultivating that business into something all her own, and looking forward to becoming deeply ensconced in her community, and volunteers as a track coach for a nearby school. She enjoys getting to know the families she serves, and watching young patients grow. 

“I’d like to get more families in. I want to get some more kids in,” she said. “I love kids. I’ve always loved working with kids. “You can watch the kids grow up and see what they end up doing. I really like that.”

And working with the smallest patients is a responsibility she doesn’t take lightly. Trevor knows it is up to her to ensure the dentist isn’t scary.

“I want it to be a place for everyone. We laugh, we have fun, we make it light. I want it to be warm and family-friendly, more like you’re going to somebody’s house than you’re coming to the sterile dentist where they poke you with needles.”

Trevor Family Dental is located at 18795 SW Boones Ferry Rd in Tualatin, across from the CI Bar & Grill, and can be reached at 503-691-9046 or trevordental.com.

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