Broadway premiere of ‘The Thanksgiving Play’ coming to Tigard/Tualatin first

Sophia Caruso, Steve Hotaling, and Damon Apelt are rehearsing The Thanksgiving Play while Gina Eslinger appears to be resting!
Sophia Caruso, Steve Hotaling, and Damon Apelt are rehearsing The Thanksgiving Play while Gina Eslinger appears to be resting! Peter Bolger/Mask & Mirror
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Prior to its premiere on Broadway in the spring of 2023, “The Thanksgiving Play” by Larissa FastHorse, a prize-winning Native American (Sicangu Lakota) playwright, will be produced by  Mask & Mirror Community Theatre, one of a very few theaters across the nation receiving early performing rights. The show, directed by Gary Romans, will run November 4-20 on the Rise Church Mainstage, 10445 SW Canterbury Lane, Tigard. Performance times are 7:30 pm Friday and Saturday and 2:30 pm Sunday. 

The cast features Sophia Caruso, Steve Hotaling, Damon Apelt, Gina Eslinger, Eden Francis, Gnyanesh Trivedi, Natalie Vierra, Jodi Johnson, Mark Milner, and Matt Grand.

A founder and long-time supporter of Mask & Mirror, Gary warns, “You may not get to see another production of this award-winning play anywhere for quite some time, so permission to produce it is a distinct honor for our little community theater. In this unique offering, you will see a seasoned group of theater regulars, plus several new faces, appearing as singing pilgrims and pumpkins and dancing thugs as the action navigates deftly between controversy and laughter.”

Gary continued, “To entice you, here are some teaser reviews from other theater companies: ‘[This play] provokes serious concern over how well history is taught to kids today,’ ‘aims for a takedown of … white American mythology,’ ‘explores…privilege, wokeness, performative activism and the amplification of unheard voices,’ ‘satirically handles topics such as decentralizing white voices, the journey of being antiracist, and how expectations can affect people.’ I think you will have a stimulating conversation going home.”

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