Expanding the heart

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The year 2020 marked a significant shift for the planet we live on called Earth. Did you know the word Earth also contains in it the word HEART? 

In our fast-paced and, at times, treadmill society, we have been conditioned to believe that to be alive is to consistently be focused on the things outside of ourselves. The year 2020 marked the beginning of the end of our material focus. We, as human beings, are being called to start living our life through words, thoughts, and actions of what we call our heart frequency. The heart can be understood as an exceptional frequency. In this, humankind can begin to create heaven on Earth. 

Many people have wondered, when will things go back to normal? Honestly speaking, what is normal? One may even question, why do I need to expand my heart?

My answer is simple. The heart knows. 

I understand that some of these ideas may be new to a few. Simply said, we are being called to get in touch with the beating heart. The muscle, through a divine and intelligent force, works on its own, providing our physical body with the opportunity to experience life.

When we take a look at our world, what do we see? Do we see the incredible mystery of life, or do we see chaos and confusion? Just as the body contains 12 meridian points, the heart, too, is a compass for us to navigate our daily lives. 

I offer the suggestion for us to follow the way of nature as an example. The qualities of nature may provide awareness to assist us in grounding to the new normal of life.

There are ample techniques we can use to connect more deeply to our hearts and enjoy. These are just a few I have used:

  1. The breath. Pay attention to your breathing throughout the day. 
  2. Connect with nature. Nature offers us the opportunity to connect to the natural world.
  3. Look at your thoughts. Paying attention to our thoughts helps us to see what we are giving our focus to.
  4. Tap your heart. When we are making decisions, we can tap our heart as a way to receive understanding. 

I invite those who are having challenges moving into our new normal to take a step back and breathe deep into the heart. 

The heart knows best.

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