The Tigard Historical Association will host its annual Ice Cream Social on Saturday, July 14, from 1 to 4 pm. The event will be held at the 1880 John Tigard House Museum located on the corner of 103rd and Canterbury Lane in Tigard.
Make your own ice cream sundae with all the fixings for the old-fashioned price of 50 cents each. Tour the John Tigard House and learn about the history of our community. Activities and fun crafts for children will be available. Rug hookers from a local group will demonstrate their craft. The popular old-time photographer’s studio will be set up along with period costumes. Have your photo taken dressed as a pioneer, or cowboy or school marm.

Admission is free but donations toward the upkeep of this historical house are appreciated. See our website at www.tigardhistorical.org or call us at 503-747-9856 for further information.