Emergency Preparedness: Red Cross Earthquake App

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This article is part 3 in a series of 3. Part 1, Part 2.

This article is our final review of Red Cross Emergency apps – the Earthquake app. As with the previously reviewed apps, the Earthquake app helps you monitor for earthquake and tsunami alerts in your location, plus other locations that are important to you and your family.

You can find more information about all three of the reviewed apps here: www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/mobile-apps.html

Red Cross Earthquake App

The Red Cross Earthquake app lets you monitor for earthquakes in your home location, plus any other locations in the USA that are important for you and your family. Alerts related to earthquake-generated tsunamis are also built into this mobile app. If you feel an earthquake, you can report it afterward to the US Geological Survey via the app.

If one of your monitored locations has an alert, you’ll be notified on your phone and can click on the alert to get more details.

As with all the Red Cross disaster apps, the Earthquake app can help you prepare for earthquakes and walk you through appropriate steps to take during that emergency. In this app for earthquakes, the app gives you some good guidelines to follow to be safe during an earthquake (remember DROP, COVER and HOLD ON) as well as right after one occurs. It also some good tips on how to best prepare for the emergency ahead of time including building an emergency kit and having a family disaster plan.

To test your learning, you can take short quizzes within the app. These test and reinforce your knowledge about what to do for different situations.

If your household speaks both Spanish and English, the app can be toggled between those two languages.

Preparedness List

Things To Do

  • Download the Red Cross Earthquake app by visiting the Apple or Google app stores.
  • Use the app to learn about preparing for and recovering from an earthquake – then take a quiz to check your knowledge.

Tigard CERT Inc. is a local non-profit organization allied with the City of Tigard that trains volunteers in basic emergency response and organizational skills following the Federal Emergency Management Agency model and guidelines for local Community Emergency Response Teams. For more information about Tigard CERT, please visit our website at tigardcert.wordpress.com.

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