Emergency Preparedness: Red Cross First Aid App

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This article is part 2 in a series of 3. Part 1, Part 3.

Continuing from last month’s article about the Red Cross First Aid phone app, this article reviews the Red Cross Emergency app. This app helps you monitor for many different weather and emergency alerts in your location, plus allowing you to monitor those conditions in other locations that matter to you.

You can find more information about these apps here: www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/mobile-apps.html

In the next issue of Tigard Life, we’ll take a look at the Red Cross phone app specific to earthquake emergencies.

Red Cross Emergency App

The Red Cross Emergency app lets you monitor for emergency alerts in your home location, plus any other locations in the USA that are important for you and your family. You can also choose which type of alerts to be notified about: hurricanes, floods, wind, earthquake, etc. The full list of alerts is for over 35 different weather and emergency conditions.

If one of your monitored locations has an alert, you’ll be notified on your phone and can click on the alert to get more details.

As with the Red Cross First Aid app, the Emergency app can help you prepare for emergencies and walk you through appropriate steps to take during that emergency. For example, in the case of a power outage, the app gives you some good guidelines to follow to be safe if the power goes out. It also has tips on how to best prepare for the emergency ahead of time.

To test your learning, you can take short quizzes within the app. These test and reinforce your knowledge about what to do for different emergencies.

Preparedness List

Things To Do

  • Download the Red Cross Emergency app by visiting the Apple or Google app stores.
  • Use the Emergency app to learn about common disasters and what do to – then take a quiz to check your knowledge.

Tigard CERT Inc. is a local non-profit organization allied with the City of Tigard that trains volunteers in basic emergency response and organizational skills following the Federal Emergency Management Agency model and guidelines for local Community Emergency Response Teams. For more information about Tigard CERT, please visit our website at tigardcert.wordpress.com.

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