Pet Talk: November 2021

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With this being the month of Thanksgiving, I thought it was fitting to focus this month’s article on being thankful for our pets. I asked some pet owners what they were thankful for about their pets, and they all smiled and replied with unique answers:

“I love that my dog loves to be in the backyard. He is intrigued by everything he sees. I see the outside world differently when I see it through his eyes.”

“I’m grateful for the total devotion my dogs have of me.”

“Teaching patience.” 

“Their health as they age.”

“Being my support system.” 

“I am grateful for the way they make us be in the moment.”

I have the privilege of helping pet owners every day and witness the undeniably strong bonds they have with their animals. I see and hear how their pets have made their lives better. Of course, better doesn’t mean there isn’t stress or sadness from time to time, but overall, pets are making us laugh and smile, having someone to be responsible for and someone to come home to every day.

I am what one might call “the crazy pet lady.” But it’s alright, because I know that my pets are an essential part of making my life happy and fulfilled.

What makes me a crazy pet lady?

  • Each of my pets has a nickname 
  • My pets eat better than I do (sound familiar, anyone?)
  • I spend the majority of my waking hours when I’m home playing with, feeding or snuggling with my pets
  • I wake up to make sure “the kitten is comfortable” on the bed
  • Dog and cat toys litter my floors
  • I often stay up too late because I’m playing with my cats (that’s when they “wake up,” right?)
  • My pets always get holiday gifts
  • I utter “you are soooooooooooo cute” about 100 times a day (I say that to all my customer’s pets when they are in my store too)

Does your pet bring you happiness, joy and laughter? My guess is that they do. In fact, pets are good for you! They bring a sense of joy, nurturing and happiness, which can suppress stress hormones and help with feelings of loneliness and help improve our immune systems. Just having pets in your lives, even if they are not yours, has a positive impact!

So, here’s to the pets in our lives! Thank you for everything!

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